Home Remedies To Get Rid of Mice

Unlike Mickey Mouse, real-life mice aren’t funny at all. These rodents destroy household objects and transmit diseases, so it's probably best to keep them far away. The best way to prevent them from being tricked inside is to legitimately store your food. 

Likewise, your entryways ought to be all-around fixed with door jambs, and your windows ought to stay shut or protected by screens. Garbage must be placed in a safe place, like a sealed trash bin. In today's article we’re going to home remedies to get rid of mice from your home:

Home Remedies To Get Rid of Mice

Home Remedies For Mice

Aluminum Foil 

We don’t know if it's the smell, the shininess, or the commotion it makes, however, mice hate aluminum foil. Try to cover their entrances or spreadsheets of the foil where you last spotted them.

Aluminum Foil

Mint Oil 

Who would have thought that oil that smells so good would scare off mice? Take a stab at pouring a few drops of mint oil on cotton balls and dispersing them around the house, where you figure the mice may come in. 

Since these little critters don't like mint, they’ll find their way out of the house quickly. If you don’t have mint oil, you can use the plant itself and place the pot next to the mice's holes. On the other hand, you can put dried mint leaves in old socks and spread them around the house. 

Mint Oil

Garlic and Cayenne Pepper

This arrangement will make your house smell good, and panic the mice and even insects off quickly. Different sustenances with a solid smell like garlic and cayenne pepper have a comparative impact. 

Soap Just like with mint oil, bars of soap with a more grounded smell might satisfy us people, however, are a noteworthy nuisance to mice. 

Find some soap with a strong odor, cut it into pieces, and scatter the pieces through the corners of your house, under doors, and by windows. The odor will help keep rodents away.

Garlic and Cayenne Pepper